Issue #531

August 14th, 2022
Articles & Tutorials
Modularization becomes an important tool to help ensure developers can continue to be productive without stepping on each other’s toes. Ryan Harter examines a way to do this, and how to simplify it with Dagger or Hilt.
The Google Play Store penalizes Android apps if they don't meet performance and stability thresholds. Join this webinar for a deep dive on Android vitals, including why it has gaps and what you can do to solve the toughest issues that are tanking your ranking.
Google's “Guide To Android App Modularization" just landed! This guide encompasses best practices and recommended patterns for developing multi-module Android apps.
Pratham Arora decided to measure the performance differences between Compose and XML-based layouts.
Accelerate your transition to Apple Silicon through our fully virtualized, scalable M1 compute options, and build and test faster than ever.
Niklas Lochschmidt has been developing in Kotlin for several years and shares some nitpicking about the language and standard library
Maxi Rosson explores the different ways to measure and improve your Android App launch times.
Andrey Kovalev compares Appyx, a fundamentally different approach compared to how you would do things with Jetpack Compose Navigation! In this article, he focuses on a few use-cases and compares them in practice.
Jorge Castillo shares how to write lifecycle-aware side effects in Compose.
In this article, Ankur Anurag demonstrates how to use Github Actions to automate your Android build and deployment process.
Chen Zhang summarizes 3 reasons why his team adopted Compose and thinks it is the future for Android UI development.
Enzo Lizama teaches how to use Lazy Composables in Jetpack Compose to simply display data in your app.
Ben Weiss's article on important performance metrics will introduce you to startup and frame rate metrics and bring in important data points for the rest of this series on performance.
Ben Weiss introduces another series of MAD (Modern Android Development) Skills on Performance.
Manuel Vivo examines why, if you’re building an Android app with Jetpack Compose, use the collectAsStateWithLifecycle API to collect flows in a lifecycle-aware manner from your UI.
Ji Sungbin dives into Jetpack Compose’s stability -- what it is and why it's important.
Ji Sungbin examines how the Jetpack Compose hot reload feature works in Android Studio.
Runway integrates with all of your tools to automate releases and centralize collaboration, so you can build & ship more confidently — without all the headaches.
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Libraries & Code
A Pokemon Card demo app using Jetpack Compose and Koin based on MVI architecture. Fetching data from the network with Ktor and integrating persisted data in Room database with usecase/repository pattern.
SealedX generates extensive sealed classes & interfaces based on common sealed classes for each different model. You can reduce writing repeated sealed classes for every different model by auto-generating based on KSP
Prepare your app so it looks great across the entire Android device ecosystem!
Firebase Summit is BACK and this year they are bringing the spark to the Big Apple! Join online or in-person on October 18, 2022. More details coming soon.
Jetbrains just released Ktor 2.1.0, and in addition to the new features and bug fixes, they have a few new things they’d love for you to try out.
Videos & Podcasts
In this video, Charfaoui Younes steps through the Android source code to see what is happening behind the scenes for launching one activity and examines some surprising stuff.
In this recording, Alex Styl builds a version of a Newsfeed using Jetpack Compose, authenticate via Facebook using Firebase Auth, and posts status updates using Firestore.
In this MAD Skills video, learn about important performance metrics -- data that helps you understand how an app is performing and where you should spend time and effort to improve it.
In this video, Philipp Lackner shows how you can monitor whether the user is connected to the internet or not.
This week starts a new series of videos and articles on Performance.
Donn and Kaushik talk about how many Android applications seem to suffer from the disease of over-architecture while neglecting the product (UI/UX) itself.