Issue #605

January 14th, 2024
Articles & Tutorials
Juan Guillermo Gómez Torres takes a look at MediaPipe Solutions, which provides a set of libraries and tools to apply machine learning (ML) to your applications quickly.
Mahmoud Afarideh dives into the choice of kotlinx.serialization, the challenges faced during the transition, and the solutions that made the migration smooth and reliable.
André Thiele shows how to create custom-scoped components in Dagger/Anvil, which allows you to scope your dependencies to your domain’s lifecycle.
While edge-to-edge with Jetpack Compose is a breeze for most screens, dialogs require a dash of finesse. Katie Barnett demonstrates how to take your app to the next level!
Dig deeper into the differences between flow and channelFlow, and why you would use one over the other.
Eevis Panula looks at how to set up things for Health Connect and how to ask for permissions from the user.
Victor Brandalise shows the steps to run your Compose UI tests in Firebase Test Lab.
Pamela Hill details (with examples) how each Kotlin language feature works when using the code from Swift.
Anil Kumar Beesetti delves into the realms of two popular Kotlin/Android linters: ktlint and ktfmt, dissecting their strengths and helping you decide which one best suits your coding needs.
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Libraries & Code
Android WYSIWYG Rich editor for Jetpack compose
2023 marked Kotlin’s first-ever participation in Google Summer of Code (GSoC), and these are the results achieved during GSoC 2023.
A web wizard for creating cross-platform Kotlin apps (iOS, Android, Web, Desktop) that also allows you to pick from several KMP libraries.
JetBrains' web wizard for creating a base Kotlin Multiplatform project that can generate an Android, iOS, Web, desktop, and server-side project, all in one.
Videos & Podcasts
Amit Shekhar teaches about Launch vs Async in Kotlin Coroutines. See how the Launch and Async differ from each other and when to use which one.
Philipp Lackner introduction to implementing AppSearch on Android - the FASTEST Local Search!
Daniel Atitienei's quick tip on how to build an OTP code input field in Jetpack Compose.
Mohamad Rejeb teaches how to make a Clean Architecture App with Kotlin and Compose Multiplatform!
Nav Singh explores how to support the predictive back gesture in Android apps and covers different scenarios to migrate to new APIs from older APIs.
Nate Ebel explores how to create a new Ktor project from IntelliJ or browser, walks through the initial project structure, and stubs out a couple of sample endpoints.